Curriculum Vitae
Education & Professional Appointments:
Education & Professional Appointments:
Jan 2024-present: Chief Scientist for Communication and Engagement StrategyThe Collective for Psychiatric Neuroengineering, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, USA
May 2017-Jan 2024: Senior EditorNature Neuroscience, Nature Research, Springer Nature, New York, USA Sept 2014-May 2017: Associate EditorNature Neuroscience, Nature Publishing Group, New York, USA May-Sept 2014: Medical WriterFlywheel Partners, New York, USA
Aug 2013-May 2014: Locum Assistant EditorNature Neuroscience, Nature Publishing Group, New York, USA 2009-2013: Junior Research Scientist (Postdoctoral Fellow)Supervisor: David Poeppel, Ph.D.Department of Psychology, New York University, New York, USA
2002-2009: Ph.D. in Neuroscience: Neural Correlates of Vocal Pitch Regulation in Singing, October 2009 Supervisor: Robert J. Zatorre, Ph.D.Montréal Neurological Institute, McGill University, Montréal, Canada
1999-2002: M.Sc. in Neurological Sciences, May 2002; Research AssistantSupervisors: Patricia Boksa, Ph.D. & Ridha Joober, M.D., Ph.D.Douglas Hospital Research Centre, McGill University, Montréal, Canada
1998-1999: Research AssistantSupervisor: David M. Roane, M.D.Department of Psychiatry, Beth Israel Medical Center, New York, USA
1998: Research AssistantSupervisor: Susan E. Carey, Ph.D.Department of Psychology, New York University, New York, USA
1994-1998: B.S (cum laude) in Neural Science, May 1998Center for Neural Science, New York University, New York, USA
Scientific Activities:
Scientific Activities:
Career outreach
Invited talk, Scientific Editing as a Full-Time Career, University of California, San Diego, USA, 2022Career outreach
Invited talk, Scientific Editing as a Full-Time Career, Neuroscience as a Profession (Graduate Seminar), Washington, D.C., USA, 2022
Featured profile, So You Want to Be a Neuroscientist? Columbia University Press, December 2020 Written by Ashley Juavinett [link]
Featured guest, Episode 1 of Neural Pathways: Where Your Neuroscience Degree Can Take You, 202020-minute premiere episode of a podcast about career paths for neuroscience trainees [link]Short synopsis of discussion [link]
Featured interview about non-academic careers, The Leveraged PhD, 2020How to become a manuscript editor at a research journal [link]
Invited mentor, Breaking Barriers for Young Women in Science social, Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, USA, 2019
Invited talk, Scientific Editing as a Full-Time Career, Concordia PERFORM Centre Career Day, Montréal, Canada, 2019
Invited talk, Science Editing as a Full-Time Career, CUNY Neuroscience Collaborative Seminar Series, New York, USA, 2019
Invited talk, Scientific Editing as a Career, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, 2018
Invited Panel Moderator, Careers in Publishing, What Can You Be with a PhD? New York, USA, 2017
Invited Panelist, Mentorship and Career Symposium, Organization for Human Brain Mapping annual meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 2017
Invited Panelist, Scientific Literacy and the Doors It Can Open, Concordia University, Montréal, Canada, 2017
Invited Panelist, Virtual Meeting, Yale Ciencia Academy for Career Development, 2016
Invited Panelist, What Can I Do With a Neural Science Degree?, New York University, New York, USA, 2016
Science communication & media
Presenter, Tales from the Synapse (12-part series), part of "Working Scientist" podcast from Nature Careers, 2023Science communication & media
Co-host, Conversations with scientists, New York, USA, 2022-2023with Charlotte Jarvis, Mika Futz, Catherine Musselman, John Rinn, and Albert Heck [link]with Gina Turrigiano, Robert Greene, and Damien Fair [link]
Presenter, Guerilla Science Flavor Feast booth, Dutchess County Fair, Rhinebeck, USA, 2019Demonstrated taste illusions and explained the science behind them
Invited participant, Conveying Science through Art: a Public Engagement Workshop, New York Academy of Sciences, New York, USA, 2019
Co-host, A conversation about neuroscience, New York, USA2017: with Eric Nestler and Robert Greene [link]2018: with Richard Huganir and Frances Jensen [link]
Demonstrator, Journées de la Culture, Montréal, Canada, 2007Showed the public how music technology & neuroimaging were used to study vocal control
Demonstrator, Montréal Neurological Institute Open House, Montréal, Canada, 2006-2008Taught sixth graders how auditory tasks are used to study how the brain processes sounds
Presenter, Brain Awareness Week, Montréal, Canada, 2000-2001; 2003; 2005Demonstrated the five senses and makeup of the brain to sixth gradersDiscussed the short- and long- term effects of drugs on the brain with high-school classes
Scientific consultant
Do You Know Me? Written by Mina SamuelsShowcased at the Cherry Lane Theatre, New York, NY, 2012Best Drama, United Solo Theatre Festival, New York, NY, 2015Scientific consultant
Reviewer (no longer actively reviewing as of 2014)
Grant Reviewer: National Science Foundation Merit ReviewReviewer (no longer actively reviewing as of 2014)
Peer Reviewer (alone or in conjunction with supervisors): Brain and Language, Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, Clinical Neurophysiology, Cortex, Human Brain Mapping (journal & conference abstracts for 2008, 2010), Journal of Neuroscience, Music Perception, Nature Neuroscience, NeuroImage, Neuron
Research Lectures:
Research Lectures:
"Cortical mechanisms of integrating auditory feedback with vocal pitch regulation control"International Congress on Acoustics, Acoustical Society of America, Montréal, Canada, 2013
"Auditory-motor control of singing"Brain Imaging Centre Lecture Series, Montréal Neurological Institute, Montréal, Canada, 2013
"Vocal pitch regulation and the dorsal auditory stream"Sackler Science Meeting, Sackler Institute for Developmental Neurobiology, New York, USA, 2012
"A neural network for vocal pitch regulation in singing"New York University International Voice Symposium, New York, USA, 2012
"Musical tasks: testing the brain's dorsal auditory stream"Dept. of Communication and Information Technologies Research Seminar, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, 2011
"Neural correlates of vocal pitch regulation in singing"Haskins Laboratories Staff Talk, New Haven, USA, 2009
"Singing in tune and tapping in time: the how and where of auditory-motor interactions", Chen JL & Zarate JM. Montréal Neurological Institute Brown Bag Seminar, Montréal, Canada, 2005
Teaching / Mentoring / Consulting / Advising:
Teaching / Mentoring / Consulting / Advising:
Laboratory in Cognitive Neuroscience (V89.0300), "fMRI: Basics in Experimental Design & Analyses"New York University, New York, USA, Spring & Fall 2012
Auditory Perception and Cognition (G89.3392), "Pitch perception"New York University, New York, USA, Fall 2011
Mentor for undergraduate students:
Talya Grumberg, McGill University, 2004Caroline R. Ritson, New York University, 2010-2011Kevin J.P. Woods, New York University, 2011-2012Mentor for undergraduate students:
Research Consultant for graduate students:
Melanie Segado, Ph.D. thesis project in Neuroscience, McGill University, 2014-2019Research Consultant for graduate students:
Ph.D. Advisory Committee:
Brittney Redler, Ph.D. thesis project in Vocal Pedagogy, New York University, 2013-2018Ph.D. Advisory Committee:
Grants / Awards / Scholarships:
Grants / Awards / Scholarships:
2011-2013: GRAMMY Foundation Research Grant2011: Society for the Neurobiology of Language Travel Award2007; 2009: Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology (CIRMMT) Travel Award 2007: Organization of Human Brain Mapping Travel Award 2006-2008: CIRMMT Student Award2005; 2007: McGill University Alma Mater Travel Grant2004-2006: Eileen Peters McGill Majors Fellowship
Singer/Songwriter ● Violinist ● Recording Artist ● Actor ● Amateur Audio/Video EditorInterests
Albums / Recording Collaborations
1 track with Lennie Moreno (Red Pill / Blue Nights, 2022 double album, upcoming)3 tracks with Lennie Moreno (50-50, 2019 album)1 track with Tre' Mars (NOW or NEVER, 2019 album)Lady Ginseng: Piece of My Mind (2013; UPC: 840080-167091)untitled digital album with L Moreno (2009-2011)Lennie Moreno: Reality Check (2008; UPC: 196873-052979)Killawatt: Working Hard and Strong (2005; UPC: 620675-201818)Albums / Recording Collaborations
English (native proficiency), French (basic) & Spanish (basic)Languages