Neural Pathways
Episode 1: An interview with Rana Ghafouri about my career path from a graduate student in McGill University's Neuroscience program to Senior Editor at Nature Neuroscience. (synopsis)
Conversations with scientists: Episode 30
Hosted by Vivien Marx, with me as a guest co-host.
Official blurb: Annually, 20,000 - 25,000 researchers in neuroscience, both basic researchers and clinicians, come together at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. It's big. Actually gigantic. Here's a sneak-peek of some of the aspects that will be talked about at the meeting. This is a chat with the Society for Neuroscience leadership. And there's a nerdy word-game, too. (Art J. Jackson, Music: Funky energetic Intro by WinnieTheMoog. Another piece used in this media project: Legend of One by Kevin MacLeod: Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/3973-legend-of-one License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license Artist website: https://incompetech.com)
Conversations with scientists: Episode 38
Hosted by Vivien Marx, with me as a guest co-host.
Official blurb: Science and the arts have much to say to one another. This episode is a conversation between scientists and artists, between scientists who foster the arts through fellowships and residencies and artists active in science and people who live in both worlds: science and the arts. All this makes for interesting and sometimes challenging groups of identities. With: London-based artist Charlotte Jarvis, Designer, now medical student Mika Futz, Jean Mary Zarate, editor with Nature Neuroscience, musician and actor, Catherine Musselman and John Rinn, genetics researchers at University of Colorado, proteomics researcher Albert Heck. (Art: J. Jackson, Music: David Gives, Views from Palermo licensed from artlist.io)
Tales from the Synapse (12-part neuroscience & life series, part of "Working Scientist")
Episode 1: Brain and behaviour: understanding the neural effects of cannabis (Dr. Natasha Mason)
Episode 2: Marvelling at the mystery of consciousness through a scientific lens (Dr. Anil Seth)
Episode 3: What happens in our brains when we're trying to be funny (Dr. Ori Amir)
Episode 4: Social sponges: Gendered brain development comes from society, not biology (Dr. Gina Rippon)
Episode 5: The brain science collaboration that offers hope to blind people (Dr. Pieter Roelfsema)
Episode 6: How ice hockey helped me to explain how unborn babies’ brains are built (Dr. William Harris)
Episode 7: The hospital conversation that set a young epilepsy patient on the neuroscience career path (Dr. Christin Godale)
Episode 8: Understanding the difference between the mind and the brain (Dr. Chantel Prat)
Episode 9: Restoring the sense of smell to COVID-19 patients (Dr. Thomas Hummel)
Episode 10: How deep brain stimulation is helping people with severe depression (Dr. Helen Mayberg)
Episode 11: How trauma’s effects can pass from generation to generation (Dr. Isabelle Mansuy)
Episode 12: Unlocking the mysteries of the brain’s neocortex (Dr. Jeff Hawkins)